The billionaire class and Wall Street are creating the food shortage. Food can be exported from Ukraine the same way the refugees went into Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova and Romania. Harvest time was in September. That grain was mostly already exported before the beginning of the war. Even the "independent media" is falling for those BS explanations for shortages and inflation with no deep investigation or even critical thinking.

Growing your own provides you with excellent food and fights against industrial agriculture and Wall Street manipulation.

I did not know that Russians produced 59% of meat on dachas but keeping chickens and/or ducks is easy and fun. Another fun and interesting food hobby is keeping bees.

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At 15000 lb/acre (half commercial yield) and 3/4 water. I'd spend a year of hard work to get enough calories for 2 adults for 13 of today's low energy days. For balance, I need some oil to make fried eggs. And a multivitamin, careful attention to individual needs and ignoring the other non nutritional reasons we choose our foods such as taste and tradition. And social: after first year put in a lawn? Can't usually grow same crop in same place year after year. The bags should work if left top open for sun and water, but smaller area fewer plants less yield. In back yard may solve problem of stealing, but is even more work. And what do you do in front?

Giving you a bank analogy, let the food be grown by a well regulated but costefficient Big Ag, eat balanced and eat less.

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Sounds good, but it wont work. wartime uk 1940 maybe.

1. Food isn't green leaves but is plant seeds: corn, wheat, rice. Calories.

2. We have no experience planting/growing them. Some farmers do, and even they are few.

3. If out front where the lawns are, it will be harvested by the hungry or sellers to same, after we've done the work. And it's a lot of physical work and time. What do we give up?

4. Lawns have social value, like clothing.

5. Fertilizers and other chemicals are needed, shouldn't be feared on principle.

6. As for Gale's figures, is he including golf courses and parks?

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Sorry but the overlords have to go. Parasites require a dewormer.

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Indeed, Ellen. During the war, many domestic lawns in the UK were used to grow food. My family grew sprouts in winter, and potatoes and beans and strawberries in summer on our two large lawns.

Also waste land was converted to public allotments, where people grew vegetables. Many also had chickens for eggs and meat.

Because of this, we were much healthier that we are today. Also there was no sugar so we did not eat confectionary. I actually grew up with a dislike for sweet things that has lasted until today!

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Ellen Brown , Your are Very Smart and Thanks for the Food Shortage Solution , Robert Newsom

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Yes, Ellen. For once we are in complete and enthusiastic agreement. Growing your own has multiple benefits as you know. Keep up the good work.

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An illustration of the mindless and in this case failed memory of the "independent" media, Democracy Now is spouting on the same narrative of the war in Ukraine as the reason for shortages and inflation. This is from July 16, 2010.


Another source explaining how Wall Street inflates is "The Asylum; The Renegades That Hijacked the World Oil Market" by Leah McGrath Goodman. I couldn't set it down. Reads like a mystery novel. Remember oil prices went to $140/barrel and food prices doubled in 2008.

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